Euro dog show 2005

Euro Dog Show 2005 Tulln / Austria

This year we visit the European dog show again, and again we have great results. Our girl Uenni Nolwen Princess de la Vallee de Morava won R.CACA in intermediat class. She is the first Bulgarian husky with title on a earopean show and we are so happy of that. Our boy Toffee Coffee de la Vallee de Morava has excellent in compatition of many wolrd famous champions. Here are some pictures from the show. Special thank for them of

intermedia klass female:
Uenne Nolwenn Princess de la Vallee de Morava - excellent 2 , R.CACA!!!

champion klass male:
Ch. Toffee Coffee de la Vallee de Morava - excellent !!!!

intermedia class female:
Uenne Nolwenn Princess de la Vallee de Morava - excellent 2 , R.CACA!!!

champion class male:
Ch. Toffee Coffee de la Vallee de Morava - excellent !!!!


design by marto