Detailed results from previous shows for 2003 year

On 30.11.2003 we finished our show season at CACIB Belgrade , YU where our boys Toffee Coffee de la Vallee de Morava and Talk of the Town were excellent and against the high ivalry from Serbia, Romania and France our Talk of the Town took excellent 2 in Junior class and our Toffee Coffee took CAC and CACIB!!!

On 09.11.2003 at the Speciallity CAC show of BKC "Northern dogs" we took part with 4 dogs: Puppy class - Undying Glory de la Vallee de Morava won Puppy BOB and Puppy BISS!!!!!! Junior class - Talk of the Town won excellent 1, J.BOB, J.BISS!!! intermedia class - Toffee Coffee de la Vallee de Morava - excellent, ŅĀŅ open class - Elly - excellent, R.CAC

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